vita bug

How to sell Bug Juice and Vita Bug

More information added daily


bug juice
  • Bug Juice® Is Candy In A Bottle, The #1 Brand In The Country – 98% Brand Recognition
  • Everyone That Walks In The Store LOVES BUG JUICE®
  • Keep It Simple . . Kids Love It . . . Moms Trust It!
  • Best Selling Kid’s Drink in The Country!

Vita Bug Contains

13 Vitamins,

7 Minerals

5 Electrolytes

Vita Bug Formulation Is FDA Approved For The FollowingClaims:

Heart Health, Low Sugar, Low Sodium, Cholesterol Lowering, Anti- Inflammatory Properties.

Also A Good Source Of : Antioxidants, Amino Acids, Minerals, And Vitamins.

bug juice flavors

Every Time In A Store:

 Put Up A Cling & A Door Rack

Add New Facings

Replace POS

Make Sure CoolerCard Is Attached

Place An Order Or Drop OffAn Order Form

New Bug Juice and Vita Bug Training PowerPoint Presentation

Click here to download the PPT


POS Material

Cooler Items Placement Suggestions